[Cialug] WTB: Socket 462/Socket A processor

Adk adk at 52761.com
Fri May 25 10:23:55 CDT 2007

I have a 1 gig Athlon processor that needs a new home. What is the shipping

Allen Kiddoo
Hasta la vista, Vista

--------- Original Message --------
From: Central Iowa Linux Users Group <cialug at cialug.org>
To: Central Iowa Linux Users Group <cialug at cialug.org>
Subject: Re: [Cialug] WTB: Socket 462/Socket A processor
Date: 25/05/07 10:31

> Just got done digging, no Socket A stuff left.
> Sorry it took me so long.
> kristau wrote:
> &gt; Cool, thanks!
> &gt;
> &gt; Once I get mine going, maybe we can do a presentation at a CIALUG
> &gt; meeting to compare configs?
> &gt;
> &gt; On 5/21/07, Chris K. &lt;lister at kulish.com&gt; wrote:
> &gt;&gt; Let me look in my inventory.  I think I have a 1G Athlon in my
> &gt;&gt; bin.
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt; Also, if you run into any issues with your proof of concept, let
> &gt;&gt; know.  I am currently running a IPcop based firewall and I use
> &gt;&gt; to secure my wireless.
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt; Will let you know on the part as soon as I dig around.
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt; kristau wrote:
> &gt;&gt; &gt; I'm looking for any Athlon, Sepron or Duron class Socket 462
> &gt;&gt; &gt; Socket A) processor in good working order.  Please e-mail me
off list
> &gt;&gt; &gt; with details.
> &gt;&gt; &gt;
> &gt;&gt; &gt; Background, if you are interested:
> &gt;&gt; &gt; My wife's Windows box died and we replaced it with a laptop.
 I was
> &gt;&gt; &gt; pretty certain that the motherboard was the faulty
component, so I
> &gt;&gt; &gt; sourced a replacement.  After much frustration, I discovered
that the
> &gt;&gt; &gt; dead motherboard fried the processor on its way out.  I
thought I'd
> &gt;&gt; &gt; check with the LUG before I start searching online.
> &gt;&gt; &gt;
> &gt;&gt; &gt; How is this Linux related?  I'm going use this box to build
> &gt;&gt; &gt; firewall/openvpn proof-of-concept box for securing a
wireless access
> &gt;&gt; &gt; point without WEP, WPA or any other encryption.
> &gt;&gt; &gt;
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt; _______________________________________________
> &gt;&gt; Cialug mailing list
> &gt;&gt; Cialug at cialug.org
> &gt;&gt; http://cialug.org/mailman/listinfo/cialug
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;
> &gt;
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> Cialug mailing list
> Cialug at cialug.org
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