[Cialug] A good domain name Registrar?
Tim Perdue
Thu, 06 Jan 2005 22:09:43 -0600
Jeff Davis wrote:
> I've heard good things about godaddy.com as well.
> I've stuck with buydomains.com for the few that I have.
I have a domain at godaddy and they seem fine too, but I'm skeptical of
any outfit that is charging 1/6th of what the big guys charge. I keep my
important domains at register.com and netsol. I just got gouged at
register.com for 5 domains * 2 years = $350. Plus register.com spams me
continuously and even has phonebots calling me all the time. When I
changed my account info to a bogus phone number, they started emailing
saying they would yank the domains if I have invalid account data!