[Cialug] RE: SATA Drives

Anthony Jeffries cialug@cialug.org
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 15:09:05 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, April 5, 2005 13:45, Nathan C. Smith said:
> FC3 knows SATA Drives.  Ability to do hardware raid really depends on the
> controller though.  Many of the controllers seem more geared to work with
> Windows.  I think this is very true of many motherboard controllers.

As I understand it, many of the built-in RAID controllers are not "real"
hardware RAID and need the CPU to do a lot of the work.

> I can't recommend 3WARE controllers enough but their SATA RAID cards are
> at
> least 2x as expensive as the IDE ones.

I use these at work and highly recommend 3ware. They work well with FC3.
They are more expensive, but if you value your data and your system's
reliability, they're worth the extra cost.

Anthony Jeffries | ajeffri@loopysite.org
Amateur Radio: N0NRO
I am not a conservative. I am a Christian.