[Cialug] Cialug meeting tonight... request if there is someone else with gravitate midtown access

Andrew Denner linux-list at upeke.com
Wed Feb 19 16:30:16 UTC 2025

Next Meeting: Wed 2025-02-19 7pmLoc:  "zoom only *note change* https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/YWHHPtzDSDS6TEFD4u0WsA"topic:The topic will be SQLite full text search. Some things I can cover:* Building a full text search index with the FTS5 extension* FTS queries and operators* Custom search ranking weights* A demo using taxonomy data (scientific and common names)The only prerequisite is basic familiarity with SQL and relational databases. No need to already know how full text search engines (Elasticsearch, Algolia, etc.) work. I might do parts of the demo in python, but I probably won't get into anything too python-specific. 
-------- Original message --------From: Andrew Denner <linux-list at upeke.com> Date: 2/19/25  6:54 AM  (GMT-06:00) To: Central Iowa Linux Users Group <cialug at cialug.org> Subject: Cialug meeting tonight... request if there is someone else with gravitate midtown access @everyone CIALUG is tonight. Is there someone else who has door access to gravitate midtown? My 2 year old son shared his Influenza A with me and I don't want to share with the rest of you :-)Otherwise we will have to take this online only.

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