[Cialug] Nakamoto: Double Spacer

Pixie pix at kepibu.org
Thu Mar 6 23:25:20 CST 2014

On 2014.03.06 12:56, Andrew Denner wrote:
> Shouldn't your word processor do the right thing and convert either your
> double space or single space after a period at the end of a sentence to be
> the correct amount of space? An example of this sort of "fixing" is the --
> changing to be a en dash -.

Well Mr.  A.  Denner, that assumes word processors would be right every
time.  Given the number of times I've seen things like "All ‘14 models
must go!"[1], that seems unlikely to be the case.

[1] Ugh, it feels dirty just typing that.  ’14.  There, that's better.

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