[Cialug] Ubuntu 12.04 FTP

Tom Sellers tomsellers2001 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 26 12:18:20 CDT 2013

I have vsftpd running on my version 12.04 server.  I am able to connect with filezilla to the ftp directory and see a test file that I placed there.  I believe that I have set the directory rights to allow read and write access.  However, I am unable to transfer files to the directory.  Does anyone have a working version that could share with me the vsftpd.conf file?  
I am also not able to change the directory for the remote server from filezilla.  I am running filezilla from a Windows machine and it is able to change directories on the local machine without issue.  It is only the remote  server that I am unable to see anything but the default ftp directory on.

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