[Cialug] Calendar recommendation

Daniel A. Ramaley daniel.ramaley at drake.edu
Thu May 26 15:38:58 CDT 2011

At work we were recently migrated from Zimbra e-mail/calendar to 
Microsoft Live at edu. The Zimbra web client was fine for calendar, but the 
Microsoft web client is not; it is slow and difficult to log in, and it 
won't show multiple calendars overlaid on top of each other. So, i need 
to find something else.

Any recommendations for a Linux calendar application? Google can tell me 
what's out there, but it can't as easily tell me what's good...
Daniel A. Ramaley
Network Engineer 2

Dial Center 112, Drake University
2407 Carpenter Ave / Des Moines IA 50311 USA
Tel: +1 515 271-4540
Fax: +1 515 271-1938
E-mail: daniel.ramaley at drake.edu

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