[Cialug] Apache default VH configuration

Christopher R. Rhodes arreyder at apache.org
Fri Apr 30 12:07:10 CDT 2010

On 04/30/10 11:03, Josh More wrote:
> When you're doing name-based virtual hosting, the hosts are parsed in alphabetical order.
> Add a "ServerName aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.no.site.exists" to the default.  See if that gives you the behavior you want.

Incorrect unless we recently changed something.

The virtualhosts are handled in the order that they are defined.  If a requests does not match any ServerName then the
first listed VirtualHost bound to the IP:port will be given the request to process.

Restated, the first listed virtualhost on an address is the default for any request that does not explicitly match a
later defined ServerName.

You might find the output of httpd -S useful  (apache2 -S/apache -S, whatever your distro does to desecrate our sacred
binary name ;)

arreyder at apache.org

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