[Cialug] Routes? Interfaces?

Todd Walton tdwalton at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 10:45:48 CST 2009

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Dave J. Hala Jr. <dave at 58ghz.net> wrote:
> You are the packet of data.  You just had lunch and your default route
> back to work can be via anyone of a number of interfaces. The skywalk
> interface, the sidewalk interface, the porsche boxer interface.
> Each time you reach an intersection there is a default direction (route)
> to take. You just travel along taking the default routes until you
> happen across the front door of your office building, at which point the
> bellman grabs you and throws you on the elevator that wisks you up to
> your office.

If I take the sidewalk there's a different route than if I take the
skywalk.  Is that correct in Linux-land?  Is going through eth0 going
to use a different route than going through eth1?

I like the analogy, btw.


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