[Cialug] codepad.org is a neat li'l thing

Nathan Stien nathanism at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 15:23:13 CST 2008

Codepad.org is a pastebin site with a nice extra feature:  you can run
your pasted code snippets it and see the output (subject to a
timeout).  Syntax highlighting and line numbering, natch.  Supports C,
C++, D, Haskell, OCaml, Perl, Python, Ruby, Scheme, and even, for some
reason, Tcl.  The C/C++ modes seem to implicitly prefix your code with
"#include <stdio.h>" among other things.

As with all pastebins, you also get a permalink so you can share the
code with someone else, which is the main point of sites like this.
Here's an example:


Really handy for discussing bits of code with people over instant
messenger or IRC, where pasting might eat your tabs or parse false
emoticons, etc.

Security boffins may be interested in the discussion of his security
setup on the about page:


- Nathan

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