[Cialug] k12ltsp

Academician Kula cialug@cialug.org
Thu, 26 May 2005 08:54:25 -0500

On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 08:49:37AM -0500, Theron Conrey wrote:
> oooh oooh and one was someone had taken the power cord out of the 
> server... Don't ask but yes that *seems* to have a negative impact on 
> client boxes ;)

I learned a very good lession when I was setting up the linux lab 
in the Drake CS dept, that one should not try to work on UPS monitoring
when your file server is plugged into the UPS, as the UPS dying tends
to make the lab full of students in a class get a bit panicky for some

Thomas L. Kula | tkula@io.com | http://www.madscientistresearch.net
Mathom House upon the Canw, The People's Republic of Ames