[Cialug] Installfest thought

David Champion dave at visionary.com
Fri Jun 3 17:39:34 CDT 2005

Kevin C. Smith wrote:
>>I would want to avoid being "preachy" about Free Software.
>>Also the term "Open Source" may have better recognition and understanding
>>by the general public now-a-days. But, yes we need to include "Free
>>Software" in the presentation. That said I tend to be more on the
>>"Free Software" term rather then the "Open Source" team myself. I'm just
>>thinking we need a balanced approach for an introductory presentation.
>>A. Introduction
>>B. Unix
>>C. Free Software Movement
>>D. Linux
>>E. Open Source
>>F. ?
>>G. Conclusion
>>We could even how the Revolution OS DVD afterward.
>>P.S. VI/VIM, Gnome, and Debian/Ubuntu rule also ;)
>>Kevin C. Smith
> I set up a Wiki page for this project. Lets put some ideas together.
> http://www.cialug.org/ewiki/?id=OpenSourcePresentation

Capital idea. Can you contact the Science Center and see if they're 

I'm willing to help with presentations.

To do a showing of "Revolution OS", we'd either need to get the 
director's permission, or have the SC charge admission. I recall seeing 
info when the movie first came out where he essentially gave LUG's 
permission to show it at their meetings, but not for large showings to 
the general public.

I found the official web site, I'll contact them about showing it.



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