[Cialug] Question?
Academician Kula
Tue, 26 Oct 2004 15:07:35 -0500
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 01:40:35PM -0500, Christopher Freeman wrote:
> I'd be interested to see if Lisp or Scheme are being used as production
> languages anywhere. I know of at least one AI company around, but I
> don't know what they use as their language(s) of choice.
I believe one of my friends who works at a company that makes add-ons
for one of the large CAD packages said he does a lot of stuff in LISP
or Scheme or one of those parenthetical languages.
Thomas L. Kula | tkula@io.com | http://www.madscientistresearch.net
Mathom House upon the Canw, The People's Republic of Ames