I've been banging my head against a wall for a day or so here.<br><br>I have an Ubuntu web server running apache2. What I want to do is have a certain directory path (this path is browse-able, anybody is currently able to view and download raw files) and I want a specific directory protected with http authentication, and for that authentication to be against the Windows PDC (in the same network). <br>
<br>I've found this:<br><a href="http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man3/Apache2::AuthenNTLM.3pm.html">http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man3/Apache2::AuthenNTLM.3pm.html</a><br>which tells me to use NTLM authentication, there's not enough information here to get things working. <br>
<br>What I have now is a <Location> section in apache2.conf that looks similar to what is in the above link. I am, of course, plugging in all my network specific stuff (pdc, domain name, etc) I'm not really seeing anything in error logs, I just get a Internal Server error on Firefox/Ubuntu, and a "Forbidden" page on IE/Windows when I try and browse to the path.<br>
<br>so, I guess I'm asking if anybody had done this sort of thing before, and if so, can you point me in the right direction here? I just don't have any feeling for how to troubleshoot this. No logs I can find are updating on failure.<br>
<br clear="all">Tim Champion<br><a href="mailto:timchampion@gmail.com">timchampion@gmail.com</a><br>