Hello, we had a lot of fun at the last meeting so we're doing it again. Basically, we split up into groups (they're created randomly) and given a task that requires a diverse set of skills to accomplish. Being a "web geeks" meeting the tasks typically tie into the web.<br>
<br>The first meeting's task was to create a URL shortening service and we had a variety of interesting solutions. Some worked, some didn't, be we all learned. (The group I was on didn't create a working solution but we did come up with a very clever algorithm for creating disambiguous, easy to type, human readable, predictable length URLs)<br>
<br>Some people were newbies and some were advanced and we all worked together.<br><br>You are invited to the next meeting at Impromptu Studio on Monday June 7 for our 2nd event.<br><br>I get to pick the topic for this round and I found one that is going to be very fun and can benefit from a variety of skills. Any kind of web skill will help, also if you're a math geek or can write scripts you'll fit in with this one.<br>
<br>Full details at <a href="http://www.dsmwebgeeks.com/2010/05/2nd-coding-dojo-on-june-7th/">http://www.dsmwebgeeks.com/2010/05/2nd-coding-dojo-on-june-7th/</a> and we'd love it if you could leave a comment there if you'll attend.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Matthew Nuzum<br>newz2000 on freenode, skype, linkedin, <a href="http://identi.ca">identi.ca</a> and twitter<br><br>"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought." –Matsuo Bashō<br>