Ok, my office is set up with a...dificult...wireless configuration. I'm convinced I'm almost online, but need a hand. Here's what I've got going on.<br><br>Running Ubuntu 9.04<br><br>Corp wifi config:<br>
Windows users use the Funk Software Odyssey Access Client (OAC)<br>Hidden SSID - I do know what it is though.<br>Looks like we use 8021x key handling (OAC shows WEP encryption generated automatically)<br>Association Mode: open (?)<br>
Auth Protocol: EAP/TTLS<br>TTLS inner Protocol: PAP/Token Card (we use RSA key fobs w/ generated numbers)<br>Anonomous identity: anonomous<br>identity: RAS keyfob userid<br>password: pin+RAS keyfob<br>company secured CA file... XXXXXX.cer<br>
- I converted this using openssl from der to pem and placed in /etc/ssl/certs/XXXXXX.pem (linked to .crt file..used the proper method to do this..can't remember it right now)<br><br>I've tried to set this up using network manager. It's the closest I've gotten.<br>
It associates with the access point and attempts authorization. I don't have the whole error with me (laptop's at home right now) but I think this is the cause of my problem:<br>"TLS: Certificate verification failed, error 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate) wap_supplicant"<br>
<br>tried wircd with mostly the same results<br><br>tried using command line wpa_supplicant with .conf file and -dd for extra debugging since most things I saw on google reccomended this for testing. I can't get this method to associate with the hidden ssid access point.<br>
<br>Anyone have any thoughts? I can post the full error if needed after work hours when I'm home.<br><br>Thanks!!<br><br>--Justin<br>