I've decided to take on a new endeavor and I'm looking for any thoughts, suggestions, tips, etc. I can get.<br><br>I'm going to set up a box running Ubuntu (not sure if it will be server (or server w/ gui) or desktop yet).<br>
<br>This box is going to be 2 things.<br><br>1.) VMware Server <br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">Currently this runs my NSLU2 "slug" embedded linux development environment. I may also add a web/email server VM* (see below)<br>
</div>2.) Media File and Backup Server<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">I'm going to set up a mirrored 500GB raid to hold multi-media files and backup files from my home windows pc's.<br></div><br>The OS will either be on a separate drive, or the same drive as the VM's. The RAID will be a share as a whole (unless suggested differently). I want to make as much room available to this share as possible.<br>
<br>My primary questions involve the RAID as I've never set one up before. There are 2 things I'm hoping the raid can do for me, but I don't know if it can, or how to set it up.<br>1.) Pull 'n go in an emergency. You know, the house is burning down and I have time to grab...one drive tray from the server. If I pull out one of the two raid drives and my house goes up in flames, can I just stick the drive in another computer later as a single drive and get my files back?<br>
2.) Windows/Linux accessable. I'm going to be sharing to a Windows PC. I want the linux OS to be able to read the drive too. I'm going to have large (4+GB) files on it and I know FAT32 won't go that big. Should #1 happen, I may want to get at these files from a Windows PC.<br>
<br>My other questions involves Security & VM's.<br>1.) If I open up a VM to the web for webhosting and email, are my other VM's and my host OS still safe from attack? Sadly for years I've pretty much sat myself behind a router firewall and lived happily...I doubt that'll be enough sooner than later.<br>
<br>Odd question out:<br>Going along with #2 from the RAID questions, is there any format I can use on a portable drive that would store large (4+GB) files, and be readable and writable in Linux and Windows?<br><br>Thanks,<br>
<br>Justin W. Richeson<br>