Actually, its a pretty slick looking phone system. Its called Microsoft Response Point. <a href=""></a><br><br>The videos make it look pretty simple, though I'm not sure I'd like to have everything voice controlled. The really impressive feature is the first video where he sets up the phone.<br>
<br>Some interesting details in the "how to buy" section - basically, 8 lines, 20 phones = $7,000.<br><br><div class="contentText"><span class="contentHeader">Financing</span><br>Take advantage of the Microsoft Response Point phone system exclusive offer of less than $12 per phone per month!<sup style="font-size: 0.7em;">*</sup>
No phone system has ever been this easy; easy to manage, easy to use,
and now, even easier to buy! Arm your team with a powerful,
user-friendly phone system designed from the ground up for small
businesses for less than the cost of a business lunch. See how <a href="" target="_new">Microsoft Financing</a> can help you meet your telecommunication needs without straining your credit.
                <p><sup style="font-size: 0.7em;">*</sup>Payment
amount is based on one (1) $7,000 telephone system loaded with
Microsoft Response Point and Microsoft Office Outlook features, which
includes 20 telephones, one base unit, an 8-port phone line adapter,
installation, and training, and is calculated using 36 monthly
payments, including interest charges, under the Microsoft Financing
program. Offer valid November 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. Offer
subject to credit approval. Actual prices may vary. Interest rates are
subject to change. Minimum transaction size of $3,000 required.
Microsoft Financing is available for this offer in the United States
                </div><br>-- <br>Matthew Nuzum<br>newz2000 on freenode