I'm sure this has probably been bounced around before, but I'm looking into changing my web hosting and was wondering if anyone here would have some suggestions. My requirements are as follows:<br><br>2+ multi-domain capable on the same hosting account
<br>5+ GB space<br>?GB transfer (I'm not expecting a ton of traffic)<br>PHP 5<br> SAFE MODE OFF - or configurable PHP.ini<br>MySQL 5+ db's available<br>unlimited subdomains<br>DNS control would be nice<br>SPAM protected POP3
<br>Catch-all email capable<br>Frontpage extensions would be nice if my wife wants to do a site...but I know they're being phased out.<br><br>Most importantly < $10/mo. The hosting I have now is not meeting my needs, and I know I can find a couple that will for less than what I'm paying now. (Which is why I'm switching...)
<br><br>I'm currently looking at <a href="http://Namecheap.com">Namecheap.com</a> (they are my domains' registrar) and <a href="http://godaddy.com">godaddy.com</a> Godaddy is a tad more expensive, but have a few extra features I don't know if I'll use.
<br><br>Mostly, I need it for email hosting and CMS testing. I'm supposed to be building a website for my townhome association and my cousin (he's become a rapper....sorry, "hip-hop artist") and I need to test out something like phpnuke or joomla. I have a few other sites I may resurrect down the road.
<br><br>I don't have the time or money to put into my POS (READ: NOT point of sale!) server, nor do I want that noisy thing running 24/7 by my desk @ home or I would self host.<br><br>If you guys have any good suggestions I'm all ears. I'd like to get switched before the end of the year.
<br><br>Thanks all!<br><br>--Justin W. Richeson<br><br>