(on behalf of a friend, however in my own words)<br><br>I'm no encryption expert. I've seen a number of ways to encrypt something if you have a password, so that's no big deal. What I'm wondering is if there's a way to encrypt something so that either one of two passwords can decrypt it. Ideally, the passphrase that encrypts something is unable to decrypt it.
<br><br>The goal is to create a web application that can store a secret message. Someone types a message, the server encrypts it and one of two people can decrypt it.<br><br>Right now the tool being used is gnupg, but it's getting harder and harder to make this situation work. Increasingly the people involved are running Windows Vista, some 64b, and are not computer literate. Supposedly getting gnupg to work on 64b windows is quite a chore. The person actually has told me its not possible, apparently he's read messages between the gnupg team who said that some security feature of 64b windows prevents porting. I'm not sure if this is accurate but I don't know of a solution.
<br><br>Either way, one particular example of why gnupg isn't working is because a person he deals with is dyslexic and is not able to complete the installation of gnupg. Ideally there'd be a text field and a big button and you enter your pass phrase and click the big button and you get your email.
<br><br>Know of any solution?<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Matthew Nuzum<br>newz2000 on freenode