OK, here's what I've done for the DNS. I'm using bind 9. Things are complicated by the fact that the DNS is managed primarily using a tool called ISPConfig. This is a web based control panel for hosting companies and works along the lines of the cobalt raq interface.
<br><br>It leaves a section at the bottom of each of the bind config files where you can place your own options and they won't get deleted when someone uses the web interface to make changes.<br><br>I'm replacing my externally accessible addresses with
EXT.EXT.EXT.[finaloctet] and my internal addresses with INT.INT.INT.[finaloctent].<br clear="all"><br><a href="http://followers.net">followers.net</a> is the domain of the person who owns the DNS server (my friend who lets me host my server in his rack for $10/mo)
<br><br>named.conf - <a href="http://code.bearfruit.org/~matt/tmp/named.conf">http://code.bearfruit.org/~matt/tmp/named.conf</a><br><a href="http://pri.followers.net">pri.followers.net</a> - <a href="http://code.bearfruit.org/~matt/tmp/pri.followers.net">
http://code.bearfruit.org/~matt/tmp/pri.followers.net</a><br><br>As a side-note, it'd also be nice if computers in the "internal" segment could also use this server as a caching name-server. Right now it doesn't work, and if they try, everything resolves to the address used for *.followers.net
<br>-- <br>Matthew Nuzum<br>newz2000 on freenode