Hi, I'm new to the site and looking forward to the meeting in January, anyway I have been using Linux for a while and recently been courious about diffrent partitioning schems that people are using when setting up a Linux Box. When setting up a desktop i have just used a big / partiong and then a swap.
<br><br>I'm setting up a little "test" server at my house with a old 1ghz machine and wanted it to be semi-professonlay set up (unlike the lazy 2 partion deskop setup). this box would provide FTP, web, and mysql services.
<br><br>Here are my thoughts<br><br>/ - 1gig<br>/var/log - 1gig<br>/var/www - 5gig (but not real sure)<br>/var/ftp - 5gig<br>/usr/home - 10 gig (not sure if this should be /home)<br><br>I have also heard some talk about using /srv as the http, and ftp directorys
<br><br>I wanted to get some other peoples thoughts and advise on what has worked in the past and any problems they have run into. This would be running CentOS 4.3<br><br><br>