I'm a bit dismayed by the Oracle CEO's comment about having to re-look at the relationship they have with Red Hat, and even more dismayed that he's trying to pull IBM along. Just because Red Hat ownes JBoss does not mean they'll stop supporting Oracle. First, that would be financially stupid as so many Red Hat customers use it and those customers are not about to switch over just because Red Hat says so. Second it goes against the philosophy of Linux running/supporting everything and Red Hat is not about to buck that horse.
<br><br>Oracle runs on Windows and though MS is a competitor I don't hear the Oracle CEO saying that they need to re-examine the relationship there.<br><br>This is probably just an orchestrated scare tatic to try and keep Red Hat form pushing JBoss too hard.
<br><br>I also doubt Novell is about to sell out to Oracle. They've only recently (a couple years) aquired SuSE, and they're still pushing to add more market. They're not the kind of fizzling company you'd usually see before a buy out.