[Cialug] [tclug-list] Distros with up-to-date C++ support

Brian Wood woodbrian77 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 13:24:21 CST 2017

Iznogoud  writes:
>> Compile your own and they all do.
> This is what came to mind. That is what distro-makers do when they put one
> together. It makes no sense to go away from a distribution that works well
> for you overall just for having a specific development tool when there are
> other ways to deal with it.

I bit this bullet again now and built a very recent version of gcc7.
It took over 8 hours on my Vizio laptop.  If there's a way to get it to
just build the C and C++ compilers, I'm not aware of it.
It builds Fortran and some other compilers that I'm not interested in.
Probably I should have used make -j2 or 3 when I ran make.  It's been
a few years since I've built anything that big.

I've never done anything with Intel's C++ compiler.  Mostly I use Clang,
GCC, and a little bit of Microsoft.

I used Arch for a year or more in the past, but wasn't able to stay on
top of it.  It reminds me of C++ in terms of giving you a lot of control.
Thanks for the Slackware and Tumbleweed recommendations.
I'll keep them in mind for the future.

Ebenezer Enterprises

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