[Cialug] bsd mail/mailx reading

Barry Von Ahsen barry at vonahsen.com
Fri Dec 28 10:46:31 CST 2012

does anybody use bsd mail/mailx for reading?  since it's often installed for sending, it's also useful for reading and not needing to install a "real" client like mutt or (al)pine

my question is: when you first run mail, it lists the messages and you can operate on them.  after the operations, though, the list goes away.  is there a way to redisplay the messages without quitting and restarting?

example: login, start mail, it displays that I have 1000 messages.  run d1-998 to delete the first 998, 999 to read that message, d999 to delete it.  how do I re-list the messages to show the headers for message 1000 (like when I launched mail)?  now I just quit, then restart mail and it shows the one message (as message 1)

nothing end of the world, but there must be a Better Way(TM)


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