[Cialug] Meeting on Wed

Barry Von Ahsen barry at vonahsen.com
Tue May 10 10:03:58 CDT 2011

I think that would be excellent, especially given the recent interest in 
bash scripting


On 5/10/2011 8:35 AM, Matthew Nuzum wrote:
> Hi, Josh and I were talking about choosing a new format for this next Wed
> night's meeting (not tomorrow night, but the next one).
> I lead a local group for web enthusiasts and we've been doing these events
> called "Code dojos" where we break up into teams and try to accomplish a
> goal with code. They're based on edification, not competition. At the end of
> the meeting we compare notes and see how each group tried to accomplish the
> goal.
> The idea Josh and discussed was to run a code dojo for bash programming.
> We'd come up with a challenge and each group of 3 - 4 people would hammer
> away at it. Each team would share one computer and rotate out so each person
> gets to drive for a bit. I've found that everyone learns something. Maybe
> it's a new keyboard shortcut on your favorite editor or a new way to
> accomplish a goal or maybe you're a complete newbie and you learn so much
> that grey matter leaks out your ears.
> My question: Who wants to do something like this? Consider this an RSVP,
> would you come and participate, or, conversely, would you actively avoid a
> meeting formatted like this? If you have a question or concern that you're
> not comfortable voicing to the list, feel free to e-mail me privately
> (remember to check your e-mail client when you hit reply because I think it
> defaults to the list).
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