[Cialug] OT: cheap CFL bulbs

Matthew Nuzum newz at bearfruit.org
Thu Jun 3 11:20:26 CDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 10:56 AM, <jrnosee at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I got CFL "round" bulbs (CFL's with a round diffuser) for our
> bathroom. We did this because CFL's match the light tone of the fluorescent
> we put in the other half of our bathroom.  The CFL bulbs take a while to
> "warm up" and now my wife hates them.
I've bought some that are very bright early on but most aren't. I'm
intending to leave some of the incandescents in there along with the CFLs
which is why I'm looking to get the same shape and size as the originals.

I'm also thinking about getting switches for the bathroom that turn
themselves off after a time. I'm working on the family but I have a 2 year
old and our kids have friends, etc.

I've thought about the recycling issue too and I do keep a box with a few
bulbs that need to be recycled. Being "green" isn't easy because there are
always trade-offs. I think saving electricity is good though because it
makes a significant difference on my monthly power bill. $2 - $4 per month
per bulb for bulbs that are on a lot.

My family can live with the trade-offs. I really don't think they appreciate
how wonderful it is to be able to carry on normal activities after dark
simply by flipping a switch. My wife's grandpa who is still alive installed
electricity to houses when he was a young man. He couldn't use power tools
because the houses had no electricity yet! All things considered, that
wasn't that long ago.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode, skype, linkedin, identi.ca and twitter

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